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From: Daryle Walker (darylew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-10-28 21:27:41

I just added a boost/io/pointer_stream.hpp file to the sandbox, with related
files in the "libs" section. The streams use a begin/end pointer pair to
define a buffer, using the default handling of std::basic_streambuf to do
the most of the work.

I have a problem with one of my linkings. I have a Mac OS X 10.2 system
with Project Builder (GCC 3.1 based) and CodeWarrior (Pro 8.3 based). The
test program compiles on PB and the non-debug version compiles on CW, but
the debug version on CW gives the following link error:

Link Error : multiply-defined:
Defined in pointer_stream_test.cpp
Defined in pointer_stream_test.cpp


Are the (debugged) mangled names of two items so long that the
distinguishing parts are cut off? Is this just a hiccup, to be resolved by
a restart? Or could this be a plain ol' bug?


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