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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-10-29 19:44:15

"Thorsten Ottosen" <nesotto_at_[hidden]> writes:

>>what it wrong with this and why do you want to use int instead?
> Basically I want to use int whereever posisble so I don't have to
> worry about signed to unsiged conversions. The fact that the standard
> library does so/allows just makes programming harder that it has to
> be.

A tendency to use ints everywhere makes that a self-fulfilling
prophecy. You can turn on warnings to catch the problems. If you're
consistent about using unsigned for unsigned numbers, as with const,
you'll find that the actual cases where signed/unsigned conversions
need to be performed a much fewer.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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