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From: Jason House (jhouse_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-11-06 08:22:42

Joaquín Mª López Muñoz wrote:

> I'm far more interested in knowing whether the library is perceived
> as useful / worth asking a formal review for.

I think that your library is very useful. Your library was my
motivation to finally start trying to use boost libraries... I have a
tendency to do simulation of/retracing communications. I end up needing
to match data structures by some key as well as a timestamp (for
timeouts etc...)

> My impression is that it
> meets a reasonably common need, but response has been cold.

I've mostly just been in the sidelines reading posts... I'm new to
boost and tend not to do in depth review of implementations/docs so I
keep my mouth shut ;) I do think that I did at least give encouragement
when you first started talking about your library.

> Maybe
> the docs are not explanatory enough, maybe it is not so useful after all,
> that's the kind of things I'd appreciate getting feedback about.

   Well, I went through your docs for the first time the other day. One
of the first things I did do was take a look at quick_reference.html and
found a lot of TO DO's.
   I've had some confusion about iterators... What I see in the docs
doesn't seem to use any template parameters for the iterators. Since
there can be multiple indicies I suspect that template parameters have
to work there way into the iterator type, begin, end, etc...

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