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From: Douglas Paul Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-11-12 13:35:06

On Wed, 12 Nov 2003, Edward Diener wrote:
> David Abrahams wrote:
> > That works until we have to release it I guess (?)
> Is it a PITA change back to the correct local file link when a release
> occurs ?

Nope. Just run "bjam --v2" in $BOOST_ROOT/doc and it will overwrite the
local file with the full documentation.

> I also notice that most links are correct to a local file in the CVS
> downloaded files, but that might reflect fairly stable releases whose docs
> rarely change.

The HTML filename is the same as the "id" attribute of the DocBook element
that generates it, so names are as stable as the "id" attributes, and
BoostBook tries its best to generate good id names when they aren't
supplied. However, it just falls back to pseudorandom names for entities
that are hard to uniquely name (free functions, class template (partial)
specializations, etc.). The entrypoint for libraries (i.e.,
doc/html/function.html) should _always_ be the same.


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