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From: Dean Foster (foster_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-07 22:04:37

------- Start of forwarded message -------

> Speed s = 2 m / s;

I wrote a trivial units library in which I had the default constructor
generate a standard "unit." In other words:

        meter x; // x = 1 meter.

It didn't look very nice that way, but when you:

        meter x = 3 * meter(); // x = 3 meters.

or in its even more intuitive form:

        distance x = 3 * meter();

it started looking better. I found that I got used to the "1" as the
default fairly quickly. It bugged me athestically--but it generated
code that was generally very readable.



Dean Foster dean_at_[hidden]
Statistics, Wharton, U. Penn 215 898 8233
Philadelphia PA 19104-6340
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Received: from (
        by (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id i082wl518044
        for <boost_at_[hidden]>; Wed, 7 Jan 2004 21:58:47 -0500
Received: (qmail 4593 invoked by uid 500); 8 Jan 2004 02:58:53 -0000
Date: 8 Jan 2004 02:58:53 -0000
Message-ID: <20040108025853.4592.qmail_at_[hidden]>
From: Dean Foster <foster_at_[hidden]>
To: boost_at_[hidden]
In-reply-to: <btgigm$bfq$1_at_[hidden]> (andy_at_[hidden])
Subject: Re: [boost] Re: physical quantities (was: runtime unit-modifiable
References: <BAY7-F38kdkBQuYUTX400010fec_at_[hidden]>
        <btgghe$7rh$1_at_[hidden]> <btgigm$bfq$1_at_[hidden]>

> Speed s = 2 m / s;

I wrote a trivial units library in which I had the default constructor
generate a standard "unit." In other words:

        meter x; // x = 1 meter.

It didn't look very nice that way, but when you:

        meter x = 3 * meter(); // x = 3 meters.

or in its even more intuitive form:

        distance x = 3 * meter();

it started looking better. I found that I got used to the "1" as the
default fairly quickly. It bugged me athestically--but it generated
code that was generally very readable.



Dean Foster dean_at_[hidden]
Statistics, Wharton, U. Penn 215 898 8233
Philadelphia PA 19104-6340


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