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From: Fredrik Blomqvist (fredrik_blomqvist_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-13 17:10:05

Hi there,

I noticed that the bibliography part of the documentation could need some
So, here's what I could compile using old bookmarks and some additional
googling :)

I believe I have included relevant and working links but feel free to
correct and comment. Since I don't have CVS write access (and lousy
html-skills..) I have left this in plain text.

Perhaps someone with access to the CUJ CD-archive could fill in more

// Fredrik Blomqvist


Print publications about Boost or Boost Libraries

[Karlsson 02] Björn Karlsson, Smart Pointers in Boost
  C/C++ Users Journal, April 2002

[Kempf 02] Bill Kempf, The Boost.Threads Library
  C/C++ Users Journal, May 2002

[Ablavsky 02] Vitaly Ablavsky, Applying BGL to Computational Geometry
  C/C++ Users Journal, August 2002

[Karlsson 02a] Björn Karlsson, C/C++ Tip #9: Lexical Conversions
  C/C++ Users Journal, November 2002

[Abrahams 03] David Abrahams and Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve, Building Hybrid
Systems with Boost.Python
  C/C++ Users Journal, July 2003

[Tan 03] Kwee H. Tan, Exploring EDA Algorithms with the Boost Graph Library
  C/C++ Users Journal, July 2003

[Sutter 02] Herb Sutter, The New C++: Smart(er) Pointers
  C/C++ Users Journal, August 2002

[Sutter 03] Herb Sutter, Generalized Function Pointers
  C/C++ Users Journal, August 2003

[Sutter 03a] Herb Sutter, Generalizing Observer
  C/C++ Users Journal, September 2003

[Sutter 02a] Her Sutter, The New C++: The Group of Seven - Extensions under
Consideration for the C++ Standard Library
  C/C++ Users Journal, April 2002

Print mentions of Boost or Boost Libraries

[Nasonov 03] Alexander Nasonov, I/O System: dynamic_any Campaign
  C/C++ Users Journal, September 2003

[Besser 03] Mitch Besser, Generic Printable ENUM++
  C/C++ Users Journal, June 2003

[Hyslop 01] Jim Hyslop and Herb Sutter, Conversations: I'd Hold Anything for
  C/C++ Users Journal, December 2001

[Hyslop 02] Jim Hyslop and Herb Sutter, Conversations: Getting to the Point
  C/C++ Users Journal, July 2002

[Sutter 01] Herb Sutter, The String Formatters of Manor Farm
  C/C++ Users Journal, 19(11), November 2001

[Alexandrescu] Andrei Alexandrescu, Generic<Programming>: Efficient Generic
Sorting and Searching in C++ (I): In Search of a Better Search
  C/C++ Users Journal, October 2002

[Vandervoorde-Josuttis] David Vandevoorde and Nicolai M. Josuttis, Using
Templates in Practice
  C/C++ Users Journal, February 2003

Online publications about Boost or Boost Libraries

[CUJ] Boost Corner

[Casad 03] Joe Casad, Introducing the Boost Corner
  C/C++ Users Journal, August 2003

[Brownell 02] David Brownell, C++ Techniques for Tomorrow That Can be
Implemented Today (a.k.a. Boosting your Code)

[Siek 01] Jeremy G. Siek, The Boost Graph Library

[Siek 01a] Jeremy G. Siek, A Boost Graph Library Tutorial{A545A0E2-DAD0-4934-8F84-DB5A187543E6}/session_id~{60C24E8C-C929-43FF-A3F7-68872338C7F9}/content/index.asp

[Siek 02] Jeremy G. Siek, Internet Packet Routing with the Boost Graph

[Beman] Beman Dawes, Multiplatform Software Development

[Abrahams 03a] The Boost Metaprogramming Library

[Halleux 03] Jonathan de Halleux, Opening a door towards Spirit: a parser

[Trentini 03] Matthew S Trentini, Introduction to Boost

Online mentions [of] Boost or Boost Libraries

[Carbon 02] David ?, Boost : The handy library of handy libraries

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