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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-20 13:29:09

On the main branch, I've implemented operator== and operator!= for
Boost.Function (but not in the form you expect).

The semantics for f == g (and g == f) are:

  1) If f is a Boost.Function object and g is EqualityComparable, the result
is true when f stores a function object of the type of 'g' and that object is
equal to 'g' (via g's operator==)
  2) If f is a Boost.Function object and g is the NULL pointer constant, the
result is true when f is empty
  3) Otherwise, the program is ill-formed

The semantics for f != g and g != f follow analagously.

#2 has been implemented for a long time. #1 is the new functionality. It's
_extremely_ important to note that Boost.Function function objects are _NOT_
EqualityComparable, i.e., you cannot compare f == f.

Additionally, there is a "target" member function that returns either a
pointer to the held function object (if the Boost.Function object contains a
function object of that type) or NULL otherwise. It's usage is, e.g.,

struct Foo { int operator(); };
struct Bar { int operator(); };
boost::function<int(void)> f, g, h;
f = Foo();
h = Bar();
Foo* fp =<Foo>(); // okay, points to f's Foo
Foo* gp =<Foo>(); // okay, NULL pointer
Foo* hp =<Bar>(); // okay, NULL pointer

This implementation is in response to Herb Sutter's desire to implement
delegates cleanly via Function, with Kevlin Henney's realization that
function<> need not be implementable for that to work.

Check it out in CVS head. Is this good? TR worthy? Bad?


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