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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-21 13:52:46

At 04:33 AM 1/14/2004, Russell Hind wrote:

>Borland bcc32 (only tested on 0x564), but probably affects version
>before this and kylix (0x570) which I can't test, has a bug where when
>you do a release build, functions such as strcmp (which the compiler
>intrinsicly generates) aren't put in the std:: namespace so
>std::strcmp will fail to compile on these compilers in a release build
>mode. Works fine in debug mode.

Ugh... OK, I'll work around it. But probably by using character comparison
rather than string comparison. Lesser of serval evils.

Thanks for the report!


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