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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-01 23:03:47

On Saturday 01 May 2004 11:45 am, Douglas Gregor wrote:
> I think I have some free time as well... I'll need to get reacquainted with
> the existing result_of code (in the sandbox) before I know what to ask for.

It looks like the result_of implementation is in pretty good shape. I've
expanded/fixed it to deal with a few cases I'd missed before. I'll check it
in Two general issues remain: "support" for broken compilers and a matter of

Broken compilers can't use result_of: without partial specialization, it's
completely unusable. Also, compilers that don't support SFINAE can't detect
result_type. I'm not sure how limiting this will be, but obvious Borland, HP,
and pre-7.1 Microsoft are all toast.

As for the protocol side of things: does anyone think we need to review a
library that is (1) merely scaffolding for other libraries, (2) trivial, and
(3) already blessed by the standards committee? Methinks not.


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