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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-04 05:40:46

> This is a reminder to urge Boost developers to add their names to
> if applicable. In fact, I
> would also like to see a list of authors who explicitly don't want their
> libraries be subject to the new Boost license.
> If anybody wants me to do a license conversion for them, I'd be more than
> happy to. Just contact me, let me know what library you want converted,
> I will send you back the patches.
> As long as some of the wide-spread libraries (MPL, smart_ptr, etc.) keep
> their old license, libraries that depend on these are effectively still
> limited.

I think we're going to have to be more pro-active about this or it'll never
get done. It would help if someone would go through the common code in the
boost/detail directory and ask the authors for permission to change their
licenses, after that we can hit on individual libraries.


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