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From: David B. Held (dheld_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-15 13:12:48

"David B. Held" <dheld_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> In the program below, I am having trouble using a grammar
> as a parser for a rule. In particular, I get an error with gcc 3.3
> on the line:
> Module_ = *Statement;
> [...]

Ok, I realized that Statement is a type, and you can't assign
types to variables. Duh. But now my problem is that when I
make it into a temporary, like so:

    Module_ = *Statement();

my grammar will parse the first instance, but then quit. For instance,
I want to be able to parse this:

a b;
c d;
e f;

It will parse "a b;" and then stop on c. Any clues?


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