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From: Jeremy Graham Siek (jsiek_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-28 08:35:20

Hi All,

I agree with Doug. We should still support Boost.Python for vc6 but
mark vc6.0 as unusable. The BGL is just too fragile on that compiler.

Perhaps someone could write down what Boost.Python uses so
we know which parts of the BGL need to stay vc6 compatible.


On Jun 27, 2004, at 4:18 PM, Doug Gregor wrote:

> On Jun 27, 2004, at 3:40 PM, David Abrahams wrote:
>> Doug Gregor <dgregor_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>> The graph library has always been in a "barely usable" support on
>>> certain compilers (Borland <= 5.6.4 and MSVC 6.0, in particular). The
>>> regression tests have always been a mess---Boost 1.31.0 has very few
>>> passes for these compilers, and 1.32.0 isn't looking any
>>> better. However, the library is somewhat usable, if you stick to a
>>> very small subset and don't mind working around INTERNAL COMPILER
>>> ERRORs all of the time. What to do?
>>> I'm marking the library "unusable" on both compilers, so that we can
>>> concentrate our efforts on those compilers that might actually
>>> work. Complain loudly, quickly, and preferably with patches if you
>>> think this is the wrong approach.
>> Well, Boost.Python supports vc6 and uses Boost.Graph to do so. If
>> you mark the library unusable, will all effort to keep the parts used
>> by Boost.Python working with vc6 be stopped?
> No.
> As it stands, the Boost.Python tests that rely on Boost.Graph are the
> only tests of the BGL that actually tell us anything meaningful about
> VC6. Very few of the actual BGL tests pass on that compiler; even the
> "simple" things (BFS, DFS) aren't really tested because the compiler
> ICEs. So marking the lib "unusable" will keep us from expending a huge
> amount of effort to get these tests up running and will discourage
> users from trying something that will inevitably drive them insane;
> we'll still maintain enough compatibility for Boost.Python to work.
> I'd like to hear Jeremy's views on VC6 support as well...
> Doug
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Jeremy Siek <jsiek_at_[hidden]>
Ph.D. Candidate, Indiana University Bloomington
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