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From: Paul A Bristow (pbristow_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-07-01 13:04:25

>From the files area.

I will also post it to comp.c++.std soon.


PS PLEASE will someone with Sandbox CVS access copy the pdf file somewhere
sensible and post a link.

Many thanks.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: boost-bounces_at_[hidden]
| [mailto:boost-bounces_at_[hidden]] On Behalf Of Daniel Krügler
| Sent: 17 June 2004 14:56
| To: boost_at_[hidden]
| Subject: [boost] Re: Math functions for statistics - a draft
| TR2 proposal.
| Paul A Bristow schrieb:
| > As promised recently, I am presenting a draft of proposals for math
| > functions which are needed for even most elementary statistics.
| >
| > I have been encouraged to submit this to both the C and C++
| Standard Library
| > groups at the same time. (They seem to speaking more than
| in the past).
| >
| > These are additions to the list drawn up by Walter Brown
| accepted into TR-1.
| > The style and format follows his closely even though there were some
| > opposition to them from the C++ community. However I think
| we have to
| > accept that C and C++ compatibility are valued more than
| C++ 'ideality', and
| > not try to re-open this area of dissent.
| >
| > The draft has been uploaded to the files area in a new
| folder Math Functions
| > as "More Mathematical Functions.pdf" 220 kb.
| >
| > I'd be grateful if some CVS whizz would copy it to the
| sandbox as I know
| > that many are unable to access the fiels section.
| [snip]
| Hass this draft public accessibility and if so: How do I get it??
| Daniel
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