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From: Stefan Slapeta (stefan_nospam__at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-07-20 07:49:44

David Abrahams wrote:

> Nit: there are no exceptions for singular iterators. In the case
> you're describing, the iterator is simply not singular. There's no
> rule that says a default-constructed iterator must be singular.

Nice. In your last message you wrote:

A default constructed standard container iterator is

So my conclusion is:
find_iterator as well as directory_iterator are no iterators on standard
containers and therefore there is no requirement to declare them
"singular" if they are default constructed. Did I get it right?

The problem was that Pavol compared an uninitialized iterator of
std::string internally _before_ checking its validity.

BTW, I'm on the way to run the complete regressions for Intel 8 + STLPort.

David, you didn't apply the patch, did you?


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