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From: John Torjo (john.lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-08-18 13:35:29

Hi Reece,

Just a few thoughts:

> I am currently designing a GUI framework in C++ (initially targeting the
> Windows platform) that uses a model similar to that which Java uses in

Take a deep breath if you want to make it cross-platform ;)
I think that's Windows work x 10 or so. Maybe more ;) ...

> it's AWT and Swing libraries. Specifically:
> [1] Being able to use constructors to create the windows/components.
> This means there is no need to explicitly call a Create method like in
> the MFC framework.

win32gui does that ;)

> [2] The use of layout managers. I like the various layout managers in
> Java and how easy it is to construct complex GUI interfaces.

I like the idea of layout managers. Still, it seems (to me) in real-life
they kind of fail. You'll always want that special case where you need
to hide control X and show control Y, etc.

So far, I've created splitters on dialogs at design time (still beta
;)). If you use them correctly, you can specify a lot ot design time.
Also, you can easily hide/show the left/right panes.

> [3] The support for events via "listeners". This will most likely be
> geared towards key/mouse events and "action" events (e.g. when the user
> presses on a button).

I'm not a big fan of listeners. You need to do a lot of coding manually
to set them, etc. I've implemented them totally different - using event
handler classes.

> At the moment, I have a basic working version that allows you to write
> the following:
> {
> swing::JFrame frame( L"Swing JFrame!" );
> frame.setPane( new swing::JPanel());
> frame.setSize( 500, 500 );
> sw );
> MessageLoop msg;
> return( msg.Execute());
> }

can you break the message loop?
That is, specify when a message loop should end (when a certain signal
is received).

> This creates two windows: the main frame and a panel that is a child of
> that frame. The JFrame is created in the constructor, but is not
> displayed until show is called. Likewise, the JPanel is created inside
> its constructor and the JFrame.setPane method makes that window a child
> of the frame.
> I would appreciate comments and ideas as to what people would like out
> of a GUI framework, especially one that will be multi-platform.

I'm all for it, but again, I think it's so much work...


John Torjo
-- john_at_[hidden]
Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal
-- "Win32 GUI Generics" -- generics & GUI do mix, after all
-- v1.3beta released - check out splitter/simple_viewer,
    a File Explorer/Viewer all in about 200 lines of code!
Professional Logging Solution for FREE
-- (logging           - C++)
--         (viewing/filtering - Win32)
--        (debugging         - Win32)

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