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From: Daryle Walker (darylew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-08-31 22:27:03

* BOOST_ROOT/libs/random/random-misc.html
    Mentions "generator_iterator" at the top, but there's nothing else about
    Does it have to be a secret that "random_number_generator" can now be
accessed in its own header ("random_number_generator.hpp")? The web page
still places it in "random.hpp" (which does include the previous header).
    I just noticed that "random.hpp" doesn't mention anything about a
generator-iterator either.

* BOOST_ROOT/libs/random/random-distributions.html
    Mentions that users that want an iterator interface should just put an
adaptor over the existing generator interface. That sentence gives a link
to the Iterator Adaptor library, instead of its own generator-iterator
(which I guess is good in a way since it's MIA).

There's a problem with this arrangement:

* BOOST_ROOT/libs/iterator/doc/index.html

    Of its list of specialized adaptors, there's is NO generator adaptor!
(There is an adaptor that goes the other way, i.e. output iterator to unary
function, but we need generator to input iterator.)

The sum up, it looks like the Random guys dumped their private generator
adaptor for iterators, expecting the Iterator guys to replace it, but the
latter guys never did. Unless the generator adaptor is hidden somewhere
else, can someone add it (back).

BTW, a generator would have to support a Boolean conversion where TRUE means
it's still usable and FALSE means it isn't. (This is a new semantic for
generators.) This would allow a reasonable way to implement the

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT hotmail DOT com

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