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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-10-17 16:08:38

> Because bcc32 can't deal with spirit-1.8, to use spirit and boost 1.31,
> I've replaced spirit.hpp and the spirit directory in boost with the 1.6
> distribution.

> This doesn't work with the latest boost code, it looks like the errors are
> due to the changes mpl that were mentioned.

> Are there any plans to update spirit 1.6 to work with latest boost so
> those of us with older compilers can use the two together?

A very good question that I would also like to know the answer to.

For the serialization library, all I had to do was to remove a superfluous

"#include <boost/mpl/apply_if.hpp>" from one the spirit 1.6 header. This
may or may not address your particular situation. I suspect that the
serialization library is the only code in boost that depends on spirit so
this may be all you need.

More generally, as things stand now, anyone who downloads boost 1.32 and
spirit 1.6.x in hopes of using the serialization library with his bcb, gcc
2.95, or msvc 6.x compiler will be disappointed to find that libraries won't
build. I would like to see this rectified by an update to the spirit 1.6.x
package. Could I encourage someone who has the proper access, authorization
and understanding of what's involved to do this?

Robert Ramey

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