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From: Neal D. Becker (ndbecker2_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-10-29 06:21:22

Darren Cook wrote:

>>>Did you look on Boost circular_buffer (currently in Files section)?
>>>It is not yet oficially released but should get into 1.33.
>> You may find cycle_iterator useful. I have uploaded to files area:
> I had a look but wasn't sure where it fits in - is it an alternative to
> boost::circular_buffer?

Yes. The behaviour of circular_buffer and cycle_iterator are not the same.
I grabbed the latest from FILES, but there is no doc.
AFAICT, the main difference is that cycle_iterator is meant to be a fixed
size, while I believe circular_buffer is variable size up to a maximum?
cycle_iterator (and Ring) are also smaller and simpler code.

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