Boost : |
From: Brian Braatz (brianb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-22 11:03:01
I wrote up the simple example that shows what I am trying to figure out
Basically, I am trying to pull the deduced return type (or explicitly
passed as a template param in lambda bind()) in my template.
If I have a function that is receiving a functor, I would like to be
able to take that functor and pull the RETURN TYPE out of it.
Lets say I have a function that returns a string:
std::string ReturnAString()
return "this is a string";
And then here is my template function (code below does not
template < typename TFUNCTOR>
TFUNCTOR::result_type CallFctorDeduceRet( TFUNCTOR & functor)
return functor();
Now here is my bind call
std::cout << ( bind<std::string>(&ReturnAString));
Is there a way to GET to the return type in the Lambda fctor that
was generated with a BIND call? I would like to be able to pull the
<std::string> from the bind call and use it in the template function. It
is not a problem for my template function to be dependant upon lambda
I have been going through the lambda code. And while it is
brilliant, I am having a bit of difficulty figuring out what I am
looking at (grin).
Any help or direction is greatly appreciated
template <typename CURRIEDTYPE>
// Id class for currying type without creating the object
class Id
// Explictly pass IN a return type
template < typename TFUNCTOR, typename TRET>
TRET CallFctorPassInRet ( TFUNCTOR & functor, Id<TRET> & )
TRet = functor();
return TRet;
std::string ReturnAString()
return "this is a string";
// try to get return type from the lambda fctor
// Below does not compile- but it is along the lines of what I
// WANT to do- note that I am trying to get from the Lambda
functor the deduced return type
template < typename TFUNCTOR>
TFUNCTOR::result_type CallFctorDeduceRet( TFUNCTOR & functor)
return functor();
void Test_LambdaRetDeduction()
std::cout << "CallFctorPassInRet returns [" <<
CallFctorPassInRet( bind(&ReturnAString), Id<std::string>()) << "]" <<
// below is what I want to make work
std::cout << "CallFctorDeduceRet returns [" <<
CallFctorDeduceRet( bind<std::string>(&ReturnAString)) << "]" <<
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