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From: Rob Stewart (stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-07 12:21:17

From: christopher diggins <cdiggins_at_[hidden]>
> I've just written in a working prototype of a library for writing C++
> programs which can be treated in C++ code like Unix filters, i.e. redirected
> to and from streams, and other programs.
> For instance:
> fstream f("c:\\tmp.txt");
> stringstream s;
> HelloWorldProgram() > f > UpperCaseProgram() > s;
> Is there any interest in this kind of library, for boost? I am using it for
> writing test and demonstration programs of libraries, but I think it has a
> lot of other uses.

>From what I can see, you use the term "program" to mean an
instance of class Program or, more specifically, a derivate
thereof. That isn't what I think of when I see the word

You cite an example in your article of piping the output of one
*nix command to another using the output redirection operator,
">". The correct operator is the pipe, "|". You seem to have
codified that misunderstanding, since you've overloaded ">" and
not "|" for Program.

Finally, your Program class is too intrusive since one must
derive from it. It would be better if there was a make_filter()
function template called with a function (object) returning a
streamable object. Then, make_filter() can return an object
which can invoke the function(object) as necessary and can be
chained with other instances to create a pipeline. (Speaking of
"pipeline," that is the *nix term for a series of filters piped
together. Hence, your PipeChain class would be better named
"Pipeline," and its "ChainTo" member function would be better
named "PipeTo.")

Oh, I should also point you to Jonathan Turkanis' IOStreams
Library (recently accepted, but not yet added to Boost). See for code and
documentation. Look especially at the filters functionality.

Rob Stewart                           stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer           
Susquehanna International Group, LLP  using std::disclaimer;

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