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From: Stefan Slapeta (stefan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-18 05:53:44

Hartmut Kaiser wrote:

> Could you provide a patch?

I can ... a little static helper class is very helpful in this situation
(I posted it some time ago to the list):

// class template static_
template <typename T, typename OwnerT = void>
struct static_
     T* operator -> () const { return &member; }

     static T* get() { return &member; }

     static T member;

template <typename T, typename OwnerT> T static_<T, OwnerT>::member;


This way you can declare a global static instance of a type from
anywhere in the code, i.e. in header files, because templates show a
different behaviour for static members.

The code could look like

     typedef boost::thread_specific_ptr<ptr_t> tld_t;
     static_<tld_t, X> tld_helper_static;

     tld_t tld_helper = tld_helper_static.get();

     if (!tld_helper.get())
       tld_helper.reset(new ptr_t);
     ptr_t &helper = *tld_helper;

where X should denote any unique type (e.g. a private typedef) to
distinguish this static instance of tld_t from other static instances of
the same type.



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