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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-18 14:19:19

Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
>>>>libs/test/example/unit_test_example3.cpp: invalid (cr only) line-ending
>>>'cr only' is UNIX format, is it?
>>UNIX format is LF only. Mac, Amiga, some others are CR only. DOS is CR-LF.
>>In this case since I ran the tests on a Windows machine it's reacting to
>>EOLs that CVS has translated into: CR-CR-LF. So it sees the first CR as
>>invalid (cr only).
> Are you sure it's this way in cvs?

All I'm sure of is that it's not LF in the CVS server as it's supposed
to be.

>Did you try to use cvs on Windows with
> UNIX mode?

Absolutely not. That would ruin my checkout. And make editing with
Windows programs harmful.

> It may be the result of update in Windows.

What do you mean by "update on Windows"? I got the the errors because my
WinCVS client did a LF to CR-LF translation as it's designed to do. And
very likely the CVS server has files that are CR-LF, which translates to
CR-CR-LF. This can only happen if someone puts in files with a CVS
client that thinks it's putting in one type of file, but the files are
really of some other type. Previously this tends to happen when someone
edits files that are mounted on a shared drive from another OS. For
example mounting a DOS drive in Linux.

> I couldn't imagine how I could've put CR-CR-LF into files.

It's not that you put in CR-CR-LF, it's that you inadvertently lied to
your CVS client about what kind of file you put in. Suspect would be if
  you recently used a different editor than you usually use. Or if you
are mounting other foreign OS drives, either directly or networked.

...Of course none of this would be a problem if CVS was actually
intelligent about EOLs :-(

-- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- Redshift Software, Inc. -
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