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From: Jason Hise (chaos_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-20 22:37:43

I apologize for releasing the new singleton code before I tested it... I
got so excited that the changes were done that I wanted to put it up
before I had to leave, and now that I have tested it, I found some
blatant compilation errors that needed to be corrected. However, I can
now say that the code has been tested, the bugs have been fixed, and the
longevity lifetimes work perfectly. They even are destroyed in reverse
order of creation if they have the save longevity, as the owning
longevity registry singleton takes that into account (I'm not just
getting lucky with how my version of priority_queue happens to be
implemented). at_exit is never used, and there are no source files to
be compiled. The new code is uploading now, and should be corrected by
the time this message is received. Did I beat Loki yet? ;) Thanks in
advance for all replies and further suggestions.


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