Boost : |
From: Me Here (rhjrjlbk2002_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-01 07:48:43
Dear All,
Thank you for your support!
I succeed to attach BGL to multi_index_container
(MIC). You can find the code below. In addition to
compilation and linking, it also almost works :-).
Unfortunately, I met following problems:
1) Indexers used in "indexed_by" by MIC can do
reasonable job if they get input more sinsible
then "void* cont&". See my comments in ItemHolderKey.
2) to use additional indices of MIC I use public
visibility of m_vertices member. That is not good and
should hidden somehow, e.g. with a functions
like "put" and "get"
3) Ignoring item 2, to be able to use additional
indices in m_vertices, its type should be available
outside somehow. For this test program, I just hope
the keys are always found in the container. Real life
is different. I also commented this in the end of "main" function.
Probably, I should say why am I doing all that: I'm
not satisfied with vertex_descriptor being void* or
int because they are not stable enough. The former
breaks down if I copy the graph, the latter - if I
add or remove something.
Kind regards,
-------- sample code --------------
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::multi_index;
using namespace std;
template<class Index>
struct MICSelector
typedef Index index;
struct Item
Item(int _a=0, int _b=0, int _c=0)
: a(_a), b(_b), c(_c) {}
int a,b,c;
struct ItemHolder
ItemHolder(int id=0, const Item item=Item())
: m_ID(id), m_item(item) {}
int m_ID;
Item m_item;
struct ItemHolderKey
typedef int result_type;
int operator()(const ItemHolder& v) const
{ return v.m_ID; }
template<class P>
int operator()(const typename P& p) const
// How can I convert
// "void* const& p" to
// "const ItemHolder& ih"?
return 1;//(p);
typedef indexed_by
,ordered_non_unique< ItemHolderKey >
// and other indices
> Index;
typedef adjacency_list
< listS, MICSelector<Index>,
bidirectionalS, ItemHolder
> MG;
namespace boost
// the specialization for your selector
template<class Index, class ValueType>
struct container_gen<MICSelector<Index>, ValueType>
typedef multi_index_container
<ValueType,Index> type;
namespace graph_detail
// I think, it is kind of std::list
struct MIC_tag :
virtual public reversible_container_tag,
virtual public back_insertion_sequence_tag
{ };
template <class T,class I>
MIC_tag container_category
(const multi_index_container<T,I> &)
{ return MIC_tag(); }
template <class T,class I>
stable_tag iterator_stability
(const multi_index_container<T,I> &)
{ return stable_tag(); }
template <class T,class I>
struct container_traits<
typename multi_index_container<T,I> >
typedef MIC_tag category;
typedef stable_tag iterator_stability;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
MG mg;
MG::vertex_descriptor vd1 =
add_vertex( ItemHolder( 1, Item(1) ), mg );
MG::vertex_descriptor vd2 =
add_vertex( ItemHolder( 2, Item(2) ), mg );
add_edge( vd1, vd2, mg );
int key1 = mg[vd1].m_ID;
int key2 = mg[vd2].m_ID;
// Store key1, key2 to use to different views
// over mg. Those views are going to use those
// keys as follows:
// It's important to be able to get the type of
// mg.m_vertices out, to be able to to the
// following:
typedef MG::vertices_container::nth_index<1> Index;
Index::type& idx = mg.m_vertices.get<1>();
Index::iterator f = idx.find( key1 );
if ( f != idx.end() )
MG::vertex_descriptor v1 =
*mg.m_vertices.project<0>( f );
depth_first_visit( mg, v1, ... );
// otherwise, we have to use as below:
MG::vertex_descriptor v1 =
mg.m_vertices.get<1>().find( key1 ) );
return 0;
-------- sample code --------------
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk