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From: Chris Just (cpjust_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-13 00:25:42

Hi all,

I was wondering what the interest level is for a new auto pointer?
I know you've got a few different ones already, but I believe this one has some features that make
it quite unique. I based my AutoPtr from the STL auto_ptr and added some additional operator
overloads to make it easier to use. The biggest feature however, is that you can specify a custom
deletion function object.

The custom deletion function object allows you to delete in ways other than just 'delete ptr;'
For example, you can delete like this:
  delete [] ptr;
  ptr->Delete(); // Delete() calls: delete this;
  free( ptr );

If you want to take a look at it, it's available at:

I'd like to hear your suggestions.

   Chris Just

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