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From: Douglas Gregor (doug.gregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-23 08:27:17

On Feb 23, 2005, at 2:32 AM, christopher diggins wrote:

> I am writing a set of contract verification classes for the various
> STL containers. These are wrapper classes which verify DbC style
> contracts (i.e. preconditions, postconditions and invariants). I have
> already written one for std::vector you can see it at:
> Is anyone interested in seeing this submitted Boost, if I extend it to
> cover the basic collections? e.g. list, map, set, multimap, multiset,
> deque, queue, stack?

Is there any advantage to this kind of markup vs. the "debug modes"
that most standard libraries now have? The latest standard libraries
from Metrowerks, Dinkumware, GCC, and STLport all have some form of
debug mode that AFAICT actual do more checking (e.g., checking for uses
of invalid iterators). Here's the reference for GCC's debug mode:


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