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From: christopher diggins (cdiggins_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-27 18:46:26

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Garland" <jeff_at_[hidden]>
To: <boost_at_[hidden]>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [boost] Re: Querying usefulness of a macro

> On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 15:59:19 -0500, christopher diggins wrote
>> > Now if you had policy-based
>> > collections that would support full inheritability as an option and
>> > implemented standard container interfaces -- that might be interesting
>> > ;)
>> >
>> > Jeff
>> What kinds of policies would like to see?
> Well inheritability is one. Allocation policies that work (I'm no expert
> but
> some people think the current standard allocator is flawed). Element
> ownership
> would be another. So if I have a collection of pointers and I want them
> destroyed with the collection. Of course I think we have another boost
> library that is now covering this space. There is probably some use for a
> thread locking policy, although it is probably less useful than it might
> appear since is usually more efficient in classes that wrap standard
> collections.
> Once upon a time we had at least some discucssion of this:
> Anyway, overall I'm not sure it's really worth going down this path.

I am already pretty much committed to writing a set of tools for wrapping
and forwarding to STL containers. The way I plan on doing this is by writing
a set of macros for forwarding STL member functions to member fields (which
can also forward to a private or protected super-class). Once this is done,
then it will be trivial to also write a set of safely inheritable STL
containers. After that I figure someone else may get motivated to write
policy-based STL containers, which I think would be easier given a nice set
of macros.

> I'm
> actually much more interested in seeing things like the tree container in
> boost. Also, I think you and I probably have unfinished business to make
> constrained_value a stand-alone library.

Yes, I haven't forgotten. I still have the code posted at . I just keep getting
distracted by side projects. I still need to write a decent test suite and
document the thing. Unfortunately it is at the bottom of my to-do pile.

>> PS: if you don't mind debanning me from the wiki my ip address is
> Done. I got tired of the spam coming from 66.*.*.* so I banned them
> all --
> sorry that was way too aggressive. I've removed all these 'aggressive
> bans'
> for now to see how it goes.

Thank you.


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