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From: Doug Gregor (dgregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-04 10:08:20

On Mar 4, 2005, at 6:54 AM, Maxim Khesin wrote:
> I recently started working on a graph-algorithms library in Python.
> What makes this one different from the other couple of libs that are
> available is a heavy influence from the C++ Boost Graph Library. This
> is a sort of an exploration in Concept in Python without loosing the
> Pythonness :).

Interesting. As I rather strange coincidence, I've spent the last few
days building Python bindings for the BGL (with Boost.Python, of
course). I'm fixing on two representative graph types
(one-size-fits-most types for undirected and directed graphs), but
trying to retain the customizability of the algorithms... for instance,
one can write a BFS or Dijkstra visitor in Python and pass it through
to the BGL algorithm. Actually, the sample visitors I've written look a
heck of a lot like the visitors that you've posted in your blog.

I'm nowhere near ready to release this code, but the enterprising
reader could probably find some "python" subdirectories in CVS version
of the BGL, and might even get some examples to run :)


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