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From: Tony Juricic (tonygeek_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-08 21:49:49

Douglas Gregor wrote:
> If you think the design of a particular library could be
> improved, then provide some constructive criticism. If you're only here
> to rant, take it elsewhere.

Sorry, the matter was discussed few months ago ad nauseam and I hardly
see what constructive is there to add until there is a plan on rewriting
this library.

As for the constructive criticism of the library, I have signals in
mind. Can you actually give any arguments (and concrete code examples)
for why would anybody want to use signals library and what does it
really do better than for ex. Java event handlers or C# delegates?

Can you imagine and present a simple real-life application and prove all
the claims in the chapter about comparisons with other Signal/Slot
implemntations? For example, there was some talk here about using
signals in boost GUI library. I tried to use it for a simplistic focus
management and stumbled upon no-nos, which made me question the utility
of the library as it stands now.


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