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From: Daniel James (daniel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-10 07:06:41

Peter Dimov wrote:
> Daniel James wrote:
>> Well, these two pages describe algorithms for hashing strings, which
>> apparently are faster with good (or better?) quality (I haven't tested
>> them yet):
> These pages are good.
> But as I said, benchmarking hash functions is pointless. Real programs
> do not compute the hash value of a random 256 byte buffer five million
> times. They usually need to do something with the hash value. This
> something typically involves a division on a prime to obtain a modulus,
> several pointer chasings, and at least one equality comparison (which on
> a 256 byte buffer will have considerable impact).

Actually, that's one of the problems with them. They're designed to be
used with hash tables that have a 2^n buckets (to avoid calculating the
modulus), which isn't practical for a generic hash table that supports
user supplied hash functions.


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