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From: Korcan Hussein (korcan_h_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-16 21:17:56

shared_ptr causes an infinite recursion when used in the redefinition of
global operators new/delete. This is caused by sp_counted_base_impl being
allocated on the heap via global operators new/delete.

There currently are alternative allocation schemes which clients can select
via macros but all current schemes (eventually) explicitly invoke global
operators new/delete to de/allocate memory.

The proposed patch I’ve included just adds another choice of allocation
scheme to sp_counted_base_impl with the existing ones by doing exactly the
same method. It forwards de/allocation requests to C memory functions
std::malloc and std::free. Clients of shared_ptr may select the alternative
allocation scheme by defining the macro BOOST_SP_USE_MALLOC_ALLOCATOR before
inclusion of shared_ptr/smart_ptr.hpp.

>From Korcan Hussein.

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