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From: Tobias Schwinger (tschwinger_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-10 15:28:55

Edward Diener wrote:
> Tobias Schwinger wrote:
>>Edward Diener wrote:
>>>It would be much easier, and less confusing, when looking at compiler
>>>workarounds in Boost code if their were defines for various
>>>compilers/versions in a configuratiion header file such as:
>>>where SOME_COMPILER might be VC71,GCC40 etc.
>>>Then in code one could see:
>>>#if defined(BOOST_COMPILER_VC71) etc.
>>>rather than the less understandable
>>>#if defined(MSC_VER == nnnn) etc.
>>>I would just like to see more readability in the Boost code regarding
>>>compiler workarounds. I am also aware their is a workaround macro, but
>>>even that deals in compiler preprocessor tags rather than a more
>>>readable compiler version. I am aware that many workarounds have to deal
>>>with versions before or after a certain version number but even that can
>>>be made more readable by macros which tell one the actual compiler which
>>>is involved.
>>>I realize I am just a reader of Boost code and not a Boost developer but
>>>I think this suggestion would make for a little more readable code in
>>>its own small way.
>>How about these?
>> #define BOOST_COMPILER_WITH_VERSION(compiler,version) \
>> (compiler == version)
>> #define BOOST_COMPILER_ABOVE_VERSION(compiler,version) \
>> (compiler > version)
>> #define BOOST_COMPILER_FROM_VERSION(compiler,version) \
>> (compiler >= version)
>> #define BOOST_COMPILER_BELOW_VERSION(compiler,version) \
>> ((compiler != 0) && (compiler < version))
>> #define BOOST_COMPILER_UP_TO_VERSION(compiler,vesionr) \
>> ((compiler != 0) && (compiler <= version))
>> #define BOOST_COMPILER_FROM_TO_VERSION(compiler,min_version,max_version) \
>> ((compiler != 0) && ((compiler >= min_version) && (compiler <= max_version)))
>> ...
>> #endif
> No, you have missed my entire point. I want a specific compiler version,
> by a name which everybody knows, ie. VC71, BCB6 etc., to be associated
> with the preprocessor tags which the compiler vendor uses to specify
> that version of the compiler, ie. MSC_VER, __BORLANDC__, in such a way
> that the code in Boost which provides workarounds or specific code for a
> given compiler, actually refers to a macro which easily identities that
> compiler. Your macros above just duplicate the difficulty which already
> exists in Boost in identifying a well-known name for a compiler/version
> with the preprocessor macro used in Boost to identify it.

Either way, it's the minimal set of comparison operations, IMO. Per-compiler for
your proposal then.

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