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From: Rob Stewart (stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-15 12:33:36

From: Thomas Witt <witt_at_[hidden]>
> AFAICS the point this discussion revolves around is not whether somebody
> is wrong or right it's all about how we value these arguments in
> everyday life.

That sounds right.

> While I think that on a technical basis Paul is right, I value automatic
> code indentation much higher than all the arguments in favour of not
> requiring the semicolon. Yes it is more pure but in my experience it
> causes way more trouble in practice then it does any good by educating
> programmers about the nature of macros. And yes it is sad to tailor your
> coding style to arguably insufficient tools but at the end of day there
> is no perfect tool and we need to get a job done in the best possible
> way given the circumstances.
> As a sidenote I kind of doubt that making there usage looking
> syntactically diffferent from function calls will educate users about
> the way they work. To me doing away with the usual "macros are evil"
> attitude" sounds like a lot more promising approach to me.

I was thinking similarly.

First, Paul contends you can fix code indenters, but how?
Really, when an editor sees a line that has no statement ending
token, it has to assume it continues the previous line. After
all, whitespace can appear throughout C++ code. I see no way for
an indenter to "Do the Right Thing(TM)" in this case.

Second, adding or omitting a semicolon will *not* change a
programmer's understanding of the preprocessor. I know many
programmers who will simply add a semicolon or not as the
compiler and indenter dicate. They won't give it any more
thought than that.

Thus, requiring that all macros be complete entities that *never*
require semicolons is a purist position that offers only
consistency, but at what cost? Code will be indented oddly,
which can lead to misinterpretation, and habit will constantly

Rob Stewart                           stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer           
Susquehanna International Group, LLP  using std::disclaimer;

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