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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-09-20 11:43:47

John Maddock wrote:
>> Does it really have a TR1-compatible bind()? According to Peter,
>> Boost.Bind is not TR1-compatible.

It's compatible, but not fully conforming. Every valid boost::bind
expression should be a valid tr1::bind expression, but the reverse is not

> I've tried to document all the incompatibilities with TR1 that I've
> found, for Bind I have:
> " Standard Conformity: The traits classes is_placeholder and
> is_bind_expression are not supported by the Boost implementation. "
> Those were the only incompatibilities I found when I wrote the
> concept test program from for bind from the TR1 spec, although there
> were some compilers (including gcc) that had other problems: I
> couldn't figure out whether this was a problem with Bind or the
> compiler. Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Boost.Bind doesn't support or use result_of.

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