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From: Felipe Magno de Almeida (felipe.m.almeida_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-11 21:19:16

Hi all,

I'm not making a full review, just a feature request, since I'm not
having enough time lately to even update to the latest version of the
library. But I'm using this library for sometime now(a few months) and
it is working okay for me.

The feature request I would like to make is:

In the version I'm working(and probably the newer one either), it is
possible to add appenders with functors/functions with two string
parameters. This is a very useful thing since it let the user extend
the library to log in differents storages/streams/etc. However, the
library assumes that the function it calls operates in a real stream,
and buffers based on this assumption, restricting the usefullness and
the reuse of the log interface for use on "message-based" storages.
The real feature request is that it be possible to tune the library to
be able to work in a message-based form, using flush commands (like
std::endl) to indicate the end of the message.

My use-case for this feature is writing in the Event Logger in Windows

I sent this feature request to John Torjo sometime ago, but didnt got
any reply, so I thought in reposting it in the review process. So
that, perhaps, more people may be having this need too.

If this is already covered in the new version, then I'm sorry for
wasting your time.

For the rest of the library, tt is very good and, IMO, it should be
accepted in boost.


   Felipe Magno de Almeida
Developer from synergy and Computer Science student from State
University of Campinas(UNICAMP).
"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

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