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From: Gennadiy Rozental (gennadiy.rozental_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-13 23:51:19
BTW before I start, I recalled couple more issues I forgot to mention in
original post:
1. Design: Lightweight interface
Log library brings a lot of dependencies. In some case I do not want this if
I need to use the library in header. IMO log needs to support/implement some
lightweight debug abstract interface Something like:
struct DebugLog {
virtual void log( string const& ) = 0;
virtual void log( int ) = 0;
struct Log : DebugLog { ... };
Now I could use DebugLog interface without need to know an implementation.
It comes with the price of virtual call. I primarily use this for debug only
2. Design: Enter/Exit function scope support
I believe it's required for log library to provide some kind of support for
scope tracking. It could be an addon to core functionality to it needs to be
3. Design: hexdump
I believe log library needs to provide support for dumping memory in hex
format on log file. It could be an addon to core functionality.
4. Design: logged assert
I believe log library needs to provide support for custom assert. Such
assert would log into log file and invoke system assert depends in assert
level. It could be an addon to core functionality.
5. Implementation/Design: log entry data copying.
Modifiers implemented by applying modifier for string that represent entry
data. This model is inefficient in following regards:
a) you need to make a copy of original entry data for every output.
b) you need to prepend the strings in most cases - which is inefficient
c) you couldn't share the work for different outputs - you need to repeat
it for every string
IMO better model would be to apply modifiers to outputs instead.
>> I. Design Flaws
>> ------------------
>> 1. Filtering support
>> I understand that author strived to minimize the solution, but IMO it
>> lead
>> to minimal value. IMO proper log system should support arbitrary user
>> defined filtering of log entries. At the bare minimum it should support:
>> entry level - levels set is ordered set of values indication importance
>> of
>> information provided. Filtering is based on threshold. Examples: DEBUG,
> How's this different from levels, in the library?
Not much. But this is just one of the many *custom* filters library needs to
support and supply.
>> entry category - categories set is a set of unique values indicating kind
>> of
>> information provided
>> Filtering is based on masking. Examples: ARGS, RETURN_VALUE, ERROR_LOG,
> What? I'm really curious how a line of code for logging would look, in
> your wishful lib?
Actually since macros are not primary interface in different subsystems log
may look different. Couple examples:
1. LOG( INFO, PROG_FLOW, "SocketLib" ) << "Connection esteblished to: " <<
2. LOG( DEBUG, RETURN_VALUE ) << "Fetched value: " << v;
Here a LOG macro refer to some keyword by name. Usually I have keyword per
file, per library or per class.
3. DEBUG_LOG( DATA_FLOW ) << "Input msg: " < msg;
Here DEBUG_LOG automatically apply DEBUG level and refer to keyword by name
>> entry keyword - keyword set is set of user defined keywords (most
>> frequently
>> strings) identifying area of the program. Filtering is based on match of
>> keywords. Keywords usually are used to mark specific part of application.
>> Example: "NetworkLevel", "UI", "ABC" to mark class abc, "dfg.cpp"
> In my lib, this is actually the log itself. You have a log, and can add
> appenders/modifiers to it.
It has nothing to do whatsoever with log name. I mean single log. And
entries are filtered by string (or not string) keyword. Actually all above
were an examples of what library should provide as possible filters.
Acceptable solution would allow custom filter specification.
>> Also multithreaded application should support filtering based on thread
>> id.
> And what's stopping you from making an appender that does just this?
> // trivial example
> struct only_for_thread_id {
> only_for_thread_id(int tid, appender_func forward_to)
> : tid(tid), forward_to(forward_to) {}
> void operator()(const std::string&,const std::string & msg) {
> if ( ::GetCurrentThreadId() == tid) forward_to(msg);
> }
> int tid;
> appender_func forward_to;
> }
You must be kidding, right? I want filtering on log level. So that entry
appear or not appear in all outputs.
>> The best solution would allow to plug-in at compile time any user defined
>> Filter (in a form of Policy). This way I could have a log that filter
>> nothing (no filters defined) or log that filter based on time of the day
>> if
>> I want.
> See above.
I see nothing.
>> 2. Configuration support
>> Submitted solution supports configuration in a form of arbitrary
>> modifiers
>> that user could register in log. While this looks like very inflexible
>> it's
>> also as very inconvenient. In most cases I prefer log to be configured at
>> run time from within configuration file. his would be very cumbersome
>> with
>> modifiers model. Not only each modifier needs to be added separately. I
>> also
> Did you take a look at Darryl's proposal?
And how that has anything to do with what I am talking about? It's just a
twist of the same unacceptable interface.
>> need to keep track of it's name to be able to remove it and it's index to
>> know how modifiers are ordered. This ability to configure log remotely in
>> many locations makes it impossible to really know what and how is written
>> into log.
>> My preferred way to configure the log is with use of configuration
>> string. First of all it's simplify an interface and you immediately see
>> how
>> your log entries going to look like. Here is an example:
>> "keyword=*,-ACD;categ=prog_flow,return
>> value,-details;l=debug;track=on;roll=10000;prefix=file ( line ) - time
>> :;timeformat=%s:%m".
> You can implement Configuration Support on top of the current library.
I do not see how it possible and why should I do this on top of useless API.
> And besides, if you want to configure logging, you'll still need to
> identify each log, appender and manipulator by a string.
Why is that? I do not want or need to know log name to configure it. I have
an instance.
>> 3. Per output configuration.
>> Log may have multiple appenders attached (BTW - I very much prefer term
>> used
>> by iostreams library - sink). what if I want different entry
>> formatting/prefixing/filtering in different outputs. I may have
>> errors_output which contains only errors. I may have end_user_log that
>> contains only major information for end user with detailed time and date
>> of
>> the entry. And I may have developer_output that contains performance
>> warnings with file and line information. Submitted library have no
>> support
>> for this.
> I don't recall anyone else asking for this, but anyway, if other people
> wish it, I can implement it.
As of now you don't support this.
> And besides, you can implement it even now (not very efficiently), if
> you truly wish:
That is completely different from what I need. I don't like an idea of
modifiers in a first place. Now you want to propagate this inconvenience and
inefficiency into every output.
>> 4. Internationalization support
>> I do see some vague traces in code that indicate that author new this
>> needs
>> to be supported. But since documentation have exactly zero information
>> and I
>> couldn't figure out how to do it myself, I assume that library doesn't
>> support this. IMO it's required for industrial strength solution.
> How many times have you needed internationalization support logging?
Me, personally - never. But may be the fact that I work in domestic
department of American company could be accounted for that. But for the
boost level library this is a showstopper. Internationalization is not an
>> 6. Misfeature: pre-init cashing
>> Library starts with cashing turned on to support pre-init logging. IMO
>> this
>> is too dangerous. Now developer needs to remember how many log entries
>> are
>> printed. Otherwise some of them will just start disappearing (could be
>> different in every run). And it may start happening only at the user
>> site.
>> Much more reliable solution is to use some kind of startup log that does
>> not
>> require configuration.
> And where would that log write to? What if it's very important data?
> To console? What if you don't have console?
I think I covered that in my last statement.
> And lets face it -- when one starts using a logging lib, will at least
> trace one call to the debug lib. If he sees the line doesn't show up
> anywhere, he'll most likely read the docs. If you take a look at the
I don't see how reading the docs will help. Solution is dangerous in it's
> Basic Usage, you'll see the 'flush_log_cache()' call.
> Besides, even if you don't call it and you write 256 messages to a log,
> the caching will automatically turn itself off and flush. The same
And what if log is not configured yet? What will happened? We will loose all
those 256 messages or program will crash?
> happens if the application ends, and caching was still on.
>> 7. Misfeature: log hierarchies
>> I personally never have a need for that and have some difficulties to
>> imagine why would anyone have. You could probably have it on top of
>> existent
>> solution as add-on. If it doesn't require any new interfaces (or some
> Have you heard of modules, and sub-modules? What if each
> module/sub-module was to have a log to write to?
I primarily use one file for everything. Why would I want 10 different
files? So to figure out what happened I will need to jump through 10
different output comparing timestamps? (*if* they are printed). I do
*rarely* use more than additional logs for information dedicated to
different target audience (operation departments, end users). But this is
not driven by module/submodule hierarchy. To mark the modules I use much
better idiom - keyword (all within bounds of same log).
>> 8. Misfeature: compile-time log support
>> As it clear from above IMO log is (almost) never always enabled (and in
>> any
>> case there is a way to implement this without any additional support).
>> And
>> always disabled log could be implemented on macro level. Based on this I
> Please enlighten me: how can you implement a disabled log at macro level?
Numerous ways. Here is from top of my head:
struct nil_stream {}
template<typename T>
nil_stream const& operator<<( nil_stream const& ns, T const&) { return ns; }
#define LOG( .... ) if(true) {} else nil_stream() <<
In my practice though I never do that. I found that single if( log_is_on )
is good enough even in most performance tight places.
>> believe all the compile_tile machinery employed by library is unnecessary
>> and just complicate implementation
> It was asked by users of the lib. I never use it, but they need it.
Well it's just wrong solution then.
>> 9. Interface
>> IMO primary interface advertised by library should be macro-less.
> Please provide such an implementation, so that the following works:
> some_log << some_lengthy_function();
> Which, if some_log is disabled, some_length_function() is not called --
> without the use of macros.
I never said Interface should look like above. But users need to be able to
write these helper macros themselves based on known public API.
>> Documentation does need to cover how these macros needs to be written,
>> but
>> with user defined filters user will need to do the job oneself. Also in
>> my
>> experience I found that on some systems Even if( ... ) <actual log here>
>> could be unsatisfactory from performance standpoint. I employ one global
>> Boolean is_log_on flag to guard all my log entries. and it should be a
>> part
>> of these macros
> As I recall, noone else asked for this -- but it's not hard to implement.
There is nothing to implement here (for library author). Library just need
to advertise macroless interface and users will write macros.
>> II. Implementation flaws
>> ------------------
>> 2. Multithreading support implementation
>> a) For some unclear reason author chose to reimplement some of
>> Boost.Threads functionality in some places (and in some places
>> Boost.Thread
>> is used always). I believe log library shouldn't do this.
> It was requested -- some users wanted to remove dependency on
> Boost.Thread.
Well it still wrong. You couldn't justify that by user's request. BTW you do
depend on Boost.Threads still.
>> b) I noticed some fishy construct (m_destroyed data member). It opens
>> some thread safety issues IMO.
> It's used for the global logs (the ones defined with BOOST_DEFINE_LOG),
> which return a static reference to a boost::logging::logger - to know if
> the log is used after its destruction. I'm looking for better
> alternatives.
>> c) static manager_type & manager() doesn't look thread safe.
> It's there only for function overloading -- the returned reference is
> never used
I am not an expert. But it's still fishy.
>> 3 . enabled_logger::m_stream
>> For some reason enabled_logger allocates m_stream dynamically for each
>> log
>> entry. I do not see why we need to do this. Even more: why not reuse a
>> single instance per thread?
> Yes, in the future, I can re-implement it as a single instance per thread.
Well in a future we could reconsider this proposal.
>> 4. collection in use
>> appender_array and modifier_array are better be implemented using lists
> Have you done some tests, or is this just a gut feeling?
I did not provide any tests, did you? And it's not a gut feeling. In places
where it's important you never need random access.
>> 5. exception support
>> try {
>> LOG << "aaa" << foo()
>> }
>> catch(...) {
>> LOG << "exception"
>> }
>> This construct doesn't seems generate what is expected if foo() throws an
>> exception
> What is expected?
Try to run this and you will see.
>> 5. appender_array
>> appender_array seems to be defined in 2 placed
> Yes, once in the log_impl's class definition, and once in
> namespace boost { namespace logging { namespace {
Why would you give the same name to 2 different things?
>> 6. Appenders copying.
>>>From code it seems that each logger has its own copy of each appender.
>> would we need that?
> Because if we had one appender for all loggers, we could run into
> thread-safety issues.
But I may have different logger for every log entry. It's unacceptable
design. You need to lock on different level.
>> If we do why all the appenders are so heavy?
> I don't understand what you mean.
So costly to copy.
>> 8. shared_memory.hpp
>> This header refer to the library that is not part of boost yet. I don't
>> think it should be part of this submission.
> Why not? First of all, you don't need to include it, if you don't use it.
Because it brings a wrong message to boost users. you refer to
boost/shmem/... and it's not there.
>> 9. Time string cashing
>> prepend_time and prepend_time_strf calls are not cashed. It's a lot of
>> work
>> for nothing.
> Please explain.
You may have 1000 messages per second. And you format time string for every
single one.
>> 10. write_msg locking
>> write_msg shouldn't lock on appenders writing. Each appender should be
>> locked independently instead.
> It's because appenders/modifiers could be added/deleted while someone is
> writing a message to the log. Thus, it needs to be thread-safe.
You need to find an alternative solution. Every output has to be locked
independently. This is one of the "premature pessimization" you force on the
> Best,
> John
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk