Boost : |
From: Hendra Hidayat (h2chch_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-14 00:41:21
I have a problem when using stream class from
iostreams library. I have created a device class say
GDevice using ios::device_tag and ios::input_seekable
tag. In GDevice I 've declared and implemented read
function inside GDevice class. I also create a
stream class let's say GStream which derived from
ios::stream<GDevice>. The problem was occured when I
created object from GStream and call GStream's read
method directly to read say n bytes data. The read
method invoked GDevice read method not in n bytes data
but always in 4096 bits. I dont understand where this
number came from. I'm using boost 1.33, gcc compiler
version 4.0.2 under x86-64 bit suse linux. Can
somebody help me?
Faithfully yours
Hendra Hidayat
Geophysical Lab.
Natural Physics Dept.
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Tech.
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