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From: John.Clayton_at_[hidden]
Date: 2005-11-22 08:24:38
Hi All,
I am trying to understand better how I can create a library of objects that can be streamed using boost::serialization (cool work btw). I have written a program that works OK, but there's a catch - I have to explicitly register the class types on the archiver instances before serialization. I had initially thought that the way around this was to use the following macro in the header file, just after declaring the class that will be stream-capable, e.g.:
BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT( WatchdogPrimaryVote )
But if this is all I do (see below for what I really really have inside the header), then the write to a stream works OK, but reading back - in the same process space - throws an exception, telling me the class type is unregistered.
When I register all known message types with the archiver explicitly, things work ok. e.g.:
template < typename Archive >
void registerClassTypes( Archive & ar )
ar.template register_type < WatchdogMsgBase > ( static_cast < WatchdogMsgBase * > ( 0 ) );
ar.template register_type < WatchdogState > ( static_cast < WatchdogState * > ( 0 ) );
ar.template register_type < WatchdogPrimaryVote
> ( static_cast < WatchdogPrimaryVote * > ( 0 ) );
I am using boost_1_33_0 on Win32 with XP and Dev Env 2003 VC 7.1 - my project is a console application that links in the message as a dynamic library. So yes, I'm using __declspec(import/export).
I had thought that when one uses the BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT() macro, that the types we're auto-magically added/known to the archivers, because of some definitions that get created the macro itself.
- Any ideas why I would have to do this (is it a problem with __declspec(imp/exp))?
- Should I just throw away the idea of a dynamic library ang go static (it's all the same to me)?
- With .so's on *nix would I have this same issue? (or maybe that's a little too broad cos it's compiler dependant - I don't know, looking at the details of the templates makes my eyes water sometimes).
Thanks for any time that anyone has to read through all of this - sorry to include lots, I did that based on the 'more info is better' idea - although there's probably more detail I should give anyway.
John Clayton
Here's a little more detailed background, I have :
- created a series of objects that are streamable, each derived from a common base class, using intrusive serialization
- written a series of these objects, to a std::ostream, via
ar & obj;
- never written an instance of the base object to the stream explicitly
- closed the std::ostream and re-opened it again (obviously as a std::istream type object)
I am reading objects from the stream like this:
WatchdogMsgBase *ptr = 0;
archiver & ptr;
in WatchdogPrimaryVote (derived from WatchdogMsgBase), I serialize like this:
template < class Archive >
void serialize( Archive & ar, const unsigned int version )
REGISTER_DERIVED_AND_BASE( WatchdogPrimaryVote, WatchdogMsgBase );
ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP( _responseType );
ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP( _isConnected );
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION( WatchdogPrimaryVote, 1 )
BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT( WatchdogPrimaryVote )
BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING( WatchdogPrimaryVote, boost::serialization::track_never )
// end of file
and the macro expands to:
#define REGISTER_DERIVED_AND_BASE(derived, base)\
boost::serialization::void_cast_register<derived,base>((derived *)0, (base *)0)
John Clayton
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