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From: Arkadiy Vertleyb (vertleyb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-22 09:33:37

"Andy Little" <andy_at_[hidden]> wrote

> "Arkadiy Vertleyb" wrote in message
> > That's why I think only library authors should register their types. In
> > case it's not possible (STL, for example) this is done by the typeof
> > itself.
> Maybe It would be a good idea to think up a common format for library
authors to
> use, such as the name of the Header to include to register the libraries
> with Typeof. Then It would be possible for someone other than the library
> author to add the headers to the relevent libraries . It might be best to
> them as subdirectories of the typeof directory, so for example I would
look for
> a "boost/typeof/mpl/vector/register.hpp" header or some such and if not
> (ideallly!) write it and submit it with some suitable tests for placing in
> subdirectory of libs/typeof/test/..

This would make typeof dependent on all the other libraries. I don't think
I like this idea... In fact, I know for sure that I don't :-)

I believe the registration of a library types should reside inside this
library, and tested as a part of this library test.

> > So that you can catch all of them at once instead of one-by-one, as the
> > error messages arrive. Sounds reasonable.
> In VC7.1 they dont always arrive in the first place ;-)

Don't we always get something like:

"Type_not_registered_with_typeof_library=xxx<[a few hundred lines here]>" ?


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