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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-14 10:40:41

Kevin Wheatley wrote:
> [link style]
> its obvious, but I don't know where I've been - minor.

It does show where you've been. It's just a subtle effect in that
regard, and shows differently if you are on IE. The style of underline
on the mouse-over is dotted if you've already visited a link (on IE it's
dashed and shows up even without the mouse-over). Also for external
links, the ones that take you out of the site, the underline is the
orange color instead of gray.

Stuff I wasn't planning on getting feedback on... But I'll take it :-)

> [Logo bar]
> On my screen I'd like to see the "C++ Libraries" and the general quote
> stand out more. The sharp area of the image draws too much attention
> and takes you eye away from the Boost logo.

I'll try and improve the visibility of the "c++ libraries part". Not
sure about the quote, it's not easy to bring it out more without making
it a distraction.

> [main body]
> It might be nice to surround the page with a little white border
> perhaps, especially for the main body text. Perhaps aligned with the
> indented 'welcome' tab. - this is 'worse' on the 'Libraries' page as
> with my screen width there is a large gap between the 'term' and the
> 'definition' which if the left edge was indented would be smaller.

Ah, border, long trail of feedback on that from the past :-) If it's
just the libraries page that looks off, I'd rather fix that than mess
with adding borders. There's a strong aversion to borders for many
people and I'm already pushing it with the sidebar.

> [footer]
> should it not have the same styling as the top with a little white
> surrounding it?

Can't think of a good reason why it has to be the same. Being different
it doesn't impart as much significance as the header.

> I find it odd that the footer changes size depending on the main body
> content, it gets quite large on some of the more empty pages.

It's not really changing sizes :-)

> It also makes it jump off screen when showing the 'index' tab for
> instance - minor.

Not sure what you mean by "jump off screen".

> [index tab]
> This page is just all messed up

It is, and we can leave it at that. It's going to get fixed just hadn't
gotten around to it yet.

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