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From: Ronald Garcia (garcia_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-14 16:06:19

I'm wondering how the "boost/utility/" directory and utility.hpp header
are managed. A few things I have noticed about it:

- on the library documentation page, "utility" links point to
"utility.htm" which does not document all of the libraries in the
utility directory. Some of those libraries, like enable_if, have their
own entry.

- checked_delete() is documented in "utility.htm", but it is not in the
boost/utility directory

- there is a documentation page "boost/utility/index.html", but it
doesn't seem to be linked to from anywhere. Some of the documentation
referenced on that page has no other reference, and therefore seems
inaccessible except through google.

Is Boost.Utility a single library with multiple developers?
Is it a directory where separate libraries get placed under some
Where would a link to "boost/utility/index.html" rightfully go (or
should each header in utility have its own documentation from the
Why is checked_delete not in the "boost/utility" directory?


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