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From: Jordan DeLong (fracture_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-18 09:53:53

I find myself often writing some boilerplate stuff to make a class
usable and creatable only with shared_ptr's. For example, stuff of
the form:

struct A : private boost::noncopyable {
    static boost::shared_ptr<A> create(int);
    // ...
    explicit A(int);

Anyway, I made a little utility to simplify this, which looks like:

struct A : private boost::noncopyable {
    // ...
    friend class shared_new_access;
    explicit A(int);
    ~A(); // only shared_new_access can delete us, also

And then later:

boost::shared_ptr<A> pa = shared_new<A>(some_int);

The shared_new function template also works generally as a way to
create new shared_ptr's, since shared_new_access will still have
access to public constructors and destructors also. It also has the
same forwarding problem thing that people have run into when making
auto_ptr_new() or other such utilities.

So anyway: is there any interest in this for boost? It is pretty
small and straight-forward, but I can post an implementation of it to
the vault (or to this list, if that is preferred for something this
small), if there is some interest.

Jordan DeLong

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at