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From: Nicola Musatti (Nicola.Musatti_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-11 04:27:32

Robert Ramey wrote:

> I've put it into RC_1_34_0 for the following reasons:
> a) that's the one that's getting tested.
> b) if things work as they did last time, these changes will be merged back
> into the main trunk when 1.34 is released. As you can see from
> this has helped - but we're still not there yet.

I browsed through the test results I get from my patches against 1.33.1.
I see basically two kinds of problems: compile time errors seem to be
mostly related to a Borland bug where top level consts aren't removed in
  argument type deduction. At times I've been able to work around this
problem by explicitly specifying function template arguments. The
runtime problems seem to be mostly related to the pool allocator, but I
don't know what's wrong there exactly. Could it be a naming issue?
calling members 'malloc' and 'free' is really not a good idea :-(
Another issue worth looking into is namespaces and using declarations. I
believe something has changed there too.

Note that bcc 5.8.2 beta fares somewhat better than 5.8.1, but I believe
  that Alisdair Meredith hasn't committed his updated borland.hpp file
yet, which is needed to get the newest compiler to work.

I hope to be able to be more precise tonight.

Nicola Musatti

P.S. Maybe you should put a note in the documentation stating that in
order to use Spirit 1.6 from outside the Boost source tree with Borland
compilers all include directives of boost sources should be changed from
using double quotes to using angle brackets, i.e. from

#include "boost/..."


#include <boost/...>

This is reflected in the current SPIRIT_1_6_BRANCH in CVS, but will only
be generally available when Spirit 1.6.4 is released.

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