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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-23 16:40:23

Even though I don't have the time to review this library. I have one
comment about this...

Gennadiy Rozental wrote:

> Option 4:
> Facility to manipulate hieratical application configuration that have to be
> human editable and application writable at the same time.
> =======================

My understanding from previous discussions is that this is the problem
domain for this library.

> First of all I need to remark that this domain is kind of limited (and
> internally conflicting IMO - I don't see why you need configuration editable
> both ways).

You are kidding right? How many times have you opened up a Windows INI
file in a text editor? How many times have you opened up an Apache like
*.conf file in a text editor? How many times have you opened up a file
inside "/etc" and changed it? For all those same cases there's usually
also the option of a GUI program to do the editing for you.

So I must ask; How can you think this domain is limited?

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