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From: Marcin Kalicinski (kalita_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-26 18:05:27

> The path is rdf:RDF.item.title and I get invalid character entitly.

I just added missing &quot and &apos. This was a definite bug.

> Result: FAILED
> The path is and I get an "xml parse error". Is
> there
> a posibility of getting more meaningful errors ?

Error should have line number on it. I tried the URL you posted later, and
it parses fine for me. Perhaps you saved xml file in UTF-8? UTF-8 files
sometimes have binary prefix, which will make the parsing fail, unless you
are using locale with UTF-8 codecvt facet. Try saving the file in ASCII.

> 3. parsing the main CNN feed
> 4. Parsing the Google News RSS feed
> 5. Parsing the Google News Atom feed

Can you post URLs for these (or better xml files you tried to parse?). I
will investigate.

Best regards,

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