Boost : |
From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-10 14:38:54
Sorry if following occurs twice. I sent it 2 hrs.
ago and haven't seen it yet.
On 05/01/2006 08:49 AM, Ronald Garcia wrote:
> The review of Joel de Guzman's Fusion library begins today, May 1,
> 2006, and continues through May 10, 2006.
The boost/fusion/iterator/equal_to.hpp has:
operator==(Iter1 const&, Iter2 const&)
return result_of::equal_to<Iter1, Iter2>::value;
Obviously only the types are compared and not the values.
Shouldn't the values be compared as well? I've got my own
tuple implementation where I need to compare the types
as well as values. To do this it looks like I have to
specialize the above operator==. Was this intended, or
is there some better way to do what I need?
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk