Boost : |
From: Xi Wang (xi.wang_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-19 04:11:32
Nice:-) I'd like to see more methods such as push_back, though resize
could make it but not so convenient. And are there any plans for supporting
insert/erase a record or a range of records?
Here are some more timings, FYI. All tests were performed on WinXP SP2
with P4 3GHz HT, 1G memory, using test.cpp compiled by VC8 (cl /O2 /EHsc).
Sequential tests read/write on a file sized 40M, while random tests were
limited to 1,000,000 iterations.
Test type stub cstdio fstream randfile
Sequential read 0.03 6.87 23.76 0.05
Sequential write 1.70 10.09 11.61 1.97
Random read 0.03 4.31 9.58 0.05
Random write 0.09 7.42 13.56 0.09
Random read/write 0.14 6.95 13.34 0.14
ps: cstdio and fstream implementations are those shipped with VC8.
On 5/19/06, Slava, Alex <raf.devel_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Dear Boost Community,
> Is there any interest in submission of a Random Access to Files (RAF)
> Library to Boost?
> Please see http://www.trukhanov.kiev.ua/RAF/ for documentation and an
> initial implementation.
> Thank you,
> --
> Svyatoslav Trukhanov,
> Oleksii Ursulenko
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