Boost : |
From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-20 15:15:17
On 05/20/2006 12:25 PM, Achilleas Margaritis wrote:
>>How is the precision achieved without compiler support?
> The class 'ptr' (used for global and stack pointers) pushes itself in
> the current collector's stack on construction and removes itself from
> that stack on destruction. Example:
> ptr<Foo> ptr1 = new Foo;
> The class 'member_ptr' is registered to the owner object in the owner
> object's constructor. Example:
> class Foo : public object {
> member_ptr<Foo> next;
> Foo() : next(this) {
> }
> };
If Foo is on the stack, is Foo::next pushed on current collector's
stack? If std::vector<Foo> is on the stack, are all it's contained
Foo::next's pushed on the current collector's stack?
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