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From: Slava, Alex (raf.devel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-22 16:24:30

On 5/22/06, Jose <jmalv04_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I am very interested in using your library and I hope is included in Boost
> soon.

Very pleased to hear that !

> Some comments I have related to what has been discussed in this thread:
> * It should be clearly stated in the docs that the performance gain is by
> using MMF (not RAF) which was not clear when I looked at the docs


> * Concurrent access - I think this is a key feature. Supporting regular
> files will be good for this as you can support easily concurrent access via
> locking at the expense of performance

Yes, seems a lot of people would like this. Regular files will be supported.

> * Large file support - A practical approach to this would be to limit the
> support to 64-bit systems, which are starting to be very common and in which
> you don't have mmap issues. Would this be a good idea ?

This would be an easy way; but 32-bit systems are still going to be around for

> * Do you also plan to support what's described in Yao's paper "efficient
> locking for concurrent operations on b-trees"

will be decided soon

Svyatoslav Trukhanov,
Oleksii Ursulenko

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