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From: Nicola Musatti (Nicola.Musatti_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-24 02:49:23

Edward Diener wrote:
> Nicola Musatti wrote:
>>Actually it's not that simple. Out-of-the-box Spirit 1.6.3 only works if
>>it's used as in place replacement for 1.8 . The use of double quotes
>>instead of angle brackets causes the compiler to include 1.8 files from
>>1.6 headers. To overcome this problem you can either export from Boost's
>>CVS SPIRIT_1_6 branch or tweak the attached Python script to fix the
>>1.6.3 distribution.
> I had mentioned this on the gmane.comp.parsers.spirit.devel NG on
> 7/22/2005 and was told that it would be fixed for the next release.
> Evidently it never was.

I know. Your message was what made me look into this issue. At least the
changes are in CVS now, so whenever a new release is made it will
include them, hopefully not too long after Boost 1.34 is released.

Nicola Musatti

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